Sunday, January 27, 2008

Writings from the road. Part IV.

Originally written January 22, 2008.

Just in case you've been waiting to hear how my hotel shower went, I'll tell you. It was of the variety in which every minute adjustment of the knob produces a temperature variance
of about one thousand degrees Fahrenheit. A happy medium should really exist somewhere between "cold enough to induce hypothermia" and "hot enough to flay the flesh off a

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Writings from the road. Part III.

Originally written January 22, 2008.

Which leads me nicely into another topic I've wanted to address for a while: the online persona of the writer.

The age of Internet innocence sure is over.

Not so long ago, we were all happy and excited because we could go online and find other people and start discussions and tell people how we really felt about all sorts of things. Now we have to be

Friday, January 25, 2008

Writings from the road. Part II.

Originally written January 22, 2008.

I really have had a few things on my mind to blog about lately. The Golfweek fiasco, for instance.

You know, as an editor, I don't deny one bit that I've made some pretty glaring errors in my time. But the Golfweek incident? Wow, is that stupid. You can't even classify that as an honest mistake, because they discussed it beforehand and they still did it. Wow